“Hypnosis is a well-studied & legitimate form of adjunct treatment for conditions ranging from obesity..to anxiety & stress.” -Irving Kirsch (Program in Placebo Studies at Harvard Medical) Jillian HarrisonJune 12, 2019
[drug/alcohol users practicing hypnosis regularly]... reported the highest levels of serenity, and the least anger/impulsivity [compared to] control groups. -Am J Clin Hypn Karen MartenJune 7, 2019
"... [five studies show] hypnosis can more than double the effects of traditional weight loss approaches." -Consult Clin Psychol. Karen MartenJune 7, 2019
...the use of hypnosis to speed up the recovery time after surgery has been shown time and again. Two studies... show hypnosis significantly reduces the time it takes to heal." - Am J Clin Hypn. Karen MartenJune 7, 2019
"Hypnosis works and the empirical support is unequivocal in that regard. It really does help people," -Michael Yapko, PhD Karen MartenJune 7, 2019